My Biggest Regret

By: A Survivor Not a Victim
April 3, 2016

I am really struggling with recovering from the rape that happened to me. I hate how I feel; I hate who I am right now.

The facts:

  1.  I was drunk, but that doesn’t mean anything. 
  2. I told this creep earlier, before I was too drunk, that I would never sleep with him. 
  3. I woke up, and he was on top and inside of me.

My biggest regret is that I should have immediately gone to the hospital, period. I was too scared. But had I gone to the hospital, evidence could have been collected. My blood alcohol content level would have been checked (I was still drunk at noon the next day), and there would have been a higher chance of having the District Attorney actually decide to prosecute my rapist.

Instead, I’m stuck feeling broken and have no way to get justice. This just adds to my terrible feelings and inability to function; that is my state of being on a daily basis.

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